Sunday, June 28, 2009


Iran - Complexity of international politics… Reflection time.

Iran - Complexité de la politique internationale... On y pense et y repense.


Marguerite-marie said...

j'entends en ce moment un résumé des évènements de la semaine en Iran...que peut-on faire?

Miranda McAfee said...

Hey Terese. I'm not in Phx anymore... it was such a fast trip all i did was work.

This photo is a great statement!

Virginia said...

The good news is our friend is home safely. The bad news are that there must be so many many more that are not. Lovey photo and post.

vincent said...

Pourvu que le descendant du chah Palavy n'aille pas fiche le bazar la bas!!!!!
Je le sens pas ce type...
très belle photo par ailleurs.